e-mail: davydov@elchem.ac.ru

Anodic behavior of metals. Corrosion.

(1999 - 2023)
  • D.D. Macdonald, G.R. Engelhardt, P. Jayaweera, N. Priyantha, A. Davydov. The deterministic prediction of localized corrosion damage to Alloy-22 HLNW canisters. In: Prediction of Long Term Corrosion Behaviour in Nuclear Waste Systems, D. Perron, D.D. Macdonald, Eds. London, CRC Press. eBook Published 1 November 2024; Chapter 8, p.103-117. First published 2003. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003580232
  • L.A. Beketaeva, K.V. Rybalka, A.D. Davydov. Estimation of corrosion rate of STARBOND CoS cobalt chromium alloy in the NaCl solution. Russian J Electrochem. 57 (2021) 526-531. DOI: 10.1134/S1023193521040030
  • R.A. Mirzoev, A.D. Davydov, S.I. Vystupov, T.B. Kabanova. Mathematical model of current-voltage characteristic of steady-state aluminum anodization. Electrochim. Acta 371 (2021) 13723 DOI:10.1016/j.electacta.2021.137823
  • K.V. Rybalka, L.A. Beketaeva, A.D. Davydov. Estimation of corrosion rate of AISI 1016 steel by the analysis of polarization curves and using the method of measuring ohmic resistance. Russian J Electrochem. 57 (2021) 16-21. DOI: 10.1134/S1023193521010092
  • K.V. Rybalka, L.A. Beketaeva, A.D. Davydov, Study of anodic dissolution of stainless steel in HCl by the method of measuring ohmic resistance. Russian J Electrochem. 56 (2020) 239-242. DOI: 10.1134/S1023193520030106
  • R.A. Mirzoev, A.D. Davydov, S.I. Vystupov, T.B. Kabanova. Conditions for self-ordering of porous structure of anodic aluminum oxide in weak and strong acids. Electrochim. Acta 294 (2019) 276-285. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2018.10.041
  • K.V. Rybalka, L.A. Beketaeva, A.D. Davydov, Determination of AISI 304 steel corrosion rate in the HCl solutions by the method of measuring specimen ohmic resistance. Russian J Electrochem. 55 (2019) 920-924. DOI: 10.1134/S1023193519080135
  • K.V. Rybalka, L.A. Beketaeva, A.D. Davydov. Effect of dissolved oxygen on corrosion rate of ainless steel in sodium chloride solution. Russian J Electrochem. 54 (2018) 1275-1278. DOI: 10.1134/S1023193518130384
  • K.V. Rybalka, L.A. Beketaeva, A.D. Davydov, Z.S. Abisheva, L.Ya. Agapova, S.K. Kilibaeva. Estimation of corrosion rate of bulk and powder Ni-Re alloy. Russian J Electrochem. 54 (2018) 451-455.
  • K.V. Rybalka, L.A. Beketaeva, A.D. Davydov. Cathodic component of corrosion process: polarization curve with two Tafel portions. Russian J Electrochem. 54 (2018) 456-458.
  • R.A. Mirzoev, A.D. Davydov, S.I. Vystupov, E.S. Zarubenko, T.B. Kabanova, A.V. Popkovich. Analytical 3D migration model of steady-state metal anodizing: the velocity fields and trajectories of migrating tracers. Electrochim. Acta 243 (2017) 270-281.
  • R.A. Mirzoev, A.D. Davydov, E.S. Zarubenko, S.I. Vystupov, E.S. Panteleev. Analytical 3D migration model of steady-state metal anodizing: the velocity fields and trajectories of inert tracers, metal and oxygen ions. Electrochim. Acta 218 (2016) 74-83.
  • K.V. Rybalka, L.A. Beketaeva, A.D. Davydov. Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum in 1 M HCl Solution. Russian J Electrochem. 52 (2016) no. 5, p. 463-469.
  • K.V. Rybalka, L.A. Beketaeva, A.D. Davydov. Determination of corrosion current density by the rate of cathodic depolarizer consumption. Russian J Electrochem. 52 (2016) 268-273.
  • K.V. Rybalka, L.A. Beketaeva, A.D. Davydov. Determination of corrosion current density on smooth and powder nickel by the rate of cathodic depolarizer consumption. Russian J Electrochem. 52 (2016) 921-924.
  • R.A. Mirzoev, A.D. Davydov, D.K. Kurmyalevskaya, A.N. Bazylyk, S.I. Vystupov. Conditions for transition from barrier to porous oxidation of aluminum in phosphoric acid solutions. Electrochim. Acta 184 (2015) 214-218.
  • V. S. Shaldaev, A. N. Malofeeva, and A. D. Davydov. Determination of corrosion rate of molybdenum, rhenium and their alloys in sodium chloride solution by the method of Tafel extrapolation. Russian J Electrochem. 50 (2014) 994�998.
  • K. V. Rybalka, L. A. Beketaeva, N. G. Bukhanko, and A. D. Davydov. Dependence of corrosion current on the composition of titanium--nickel alloy in NaCl solution. Russian J Electrochem. 50 (2014) 1149-1156.
  • A.D. Davydov, V.S. Shaldaev, A.N. Malofeeva, O.V. Chernyshova, V.M. Volgin. Determination of corrosion rate of rhenium and its alloys. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 41 (2014) no. 9, p. 289-294. DOI: 10.3303/CET1441049.
  • Rybalka K.V., Beketaeva L.A., Davydov A.D. Determination of corrosion current in general corrosion under the conditions of mixed kinetics. Russian J Electrochem. 50 (2014) 390-394.
  • Rybalka K.V., Beketaeva L.A., Davydov A.D. Estimation of corrosion current by the analysis of polarization curves: electrochemical kinetics mode. Russian J Electrochem. 50 (2014) 108-113.
  • Shaldaev V. S., Malofeeva A. N., Davydov A. D. The effect of electrode rotation on pitting passivity breakdown of metal in sodium chloride solution. Russian J Electrochem. 48 (2012) 1037-1045.
  • Rybalka K.V., Beketaeva L.A., Davydov A.D. Effect of self-passivation on the electrochemical and corrosion behaviour of alloy C-22 in NaCl solutions. Cor. Sci. 54 (2012) 161-166.
  • Davydov A.D., Rybalka K.V., Beketaeva L.A., V.M. Volgin. Electrochemical determination of corrosion rate of Ni-Cr-Mo alloy in the NaCl solution. Proc. 9th European Symposium on Electrochemical Engineering (ESEE), Chania, Greece, 2011, no. p.2.04.
  • Rybalka K.V., Beketaeva L.A., Bukhanko N.G., Davydov A.D. Electrochemical behavior and the rate of general corrosion of NiAl intermetallic compound in the unbuffered sodium chloride solutions. Cor. Sci. 53 (2011) 630-636.
  • Mirzoev R.A., Davydov A.D., and Stepanova N.I. The effect of electrolyte anions incorporated into anodic oxide films on the experimental transport numbers of ions. Electrochim. Acta 56 (2011) 4414-4419.
  • Bukhanko N.G., Glukhov L.M., Davydov A.D. The effect of phase composition of Ti--20 at. % Cr alloy on its anodic activation in the chloride and bromide solutions. Russian J Electrochem. 46 (2010) 1125-1130.
  • Rybalka K.V., Beketaeva L.A., and Shaldaev V.S., Bukhanko N.G., Davydov A.D. Electrochemical Behavior of Aluminum-Nickel Alloys in Sodium Chloride Solutions. Adv. Mater. Research 138 (2010) 7-20.
  • Rybalka K. V., Shaldaev V. S., Beketaeva L. A., Malofeeva A. N., Davydov A. D. Development of pitting corrosion of stainless steel 403 in sodium chloride solutions. Russian J Electrochem. 46 (2010) 196-204.
  • Khorishko B.A., Ermakov A.I., Davydov A.D., Ivanova O.V., Yurova I.V. Electronic structure of products of interaction between Fe3O4 cluster and water and its association with the corrosion behavior of magnetite. Russian J Electrochem. 45 (2009) 941-945.
  • Rybalka K.V., Beketaeva L.A., Shaldaev V.S., Kasparova L.V., Davydov A.D. Development of pitting corrosion of 20Kh13 steel. Russian J Electrochem. 45 (2009) 1217-1225.
  • Davydov A.D. Analysis of pitting corrosion rate. Russian J Electrochem. 44 (2008) 835-839.
  • Davydov A.D, Shaldaev V.S. Experimental study of propagation stage of pitting corrosion of 20Cr13 steel. Advanced Materials Research. 38 (2008) 238-247.
  • Glukhov L.M., Bukhan'ko N.G., Davydov A.D. Growth of anodic oxide films on titanium-nickel alloys and breakdown of alloy passivity with halide ions. Russian J Electrochem. 44 (2008) 332-337.
  • Rybalka K.V., Beketaeva L.A., Davydov A.D. Electrochemical behavior of stainless steel in aerated NaCl solutions by electrochemical impedance and rotating disk electrode methods. Russian J Electrochem. 42 (2006) 370-374.
  • Davydov A.D., Shaldaev V.S., Engel'gardt G.R. Pitting on the 20Kh13 Steel in chloride solutions. Russian J. Electrochem. 42 (2006) 121-128.
  • Alexei D. Davydov, Konstantin V. Rybalka, Louiza A. Beketaeva, George R. Engelhardt, Palitha Jayaweera, Digby D. Macdonald. The kinetics of hydrogen evolution and oxygen reduction on Alloy 22. Corrosion Science. 47 (2005) No.1. 195-215.
  • Priatna N., Jayaweera P., Engelhardt G., Davydov A., Macdonald D. Localized corrosion of Alloy C22 in sodium chloride solutions at elevated temperature. Corrosion. 61 (2005) No.9. 857-871.
  • Davydov A.D., Shaldaev V.S., Malofeeva A.N., Kasparova L.V. Anodic behavior of nickel-chromium alloys in sodium chloride solutions: pitting and transpassivity. Russian J. Electrochem. 41 (2005) 1032-1037.
  • Davydov A.D. Breakdown of valve metal passivity induced by aggressive anions. Electrochim. Acta 46 (2001) 3777-3781.
  • Davydov A.D. Breakdown of the passivity of rectifying metals with aggressive ions. Protection of Metals (Russia) 37 (2001) 420-425.
  • Modestov A.D., Davydov A.D. Oxidizing valve metals: effect of electronic properties of the oxide films. Russian J. Electrochem. 36 (2000) 1137-1143.
  • Davydov A.D., Shaldaev V.S., Malofeeva A.N. Effect of natural convection on the anodic dissolution of horizontal tungsten electrodes. Russian J. Electrochem. 36 (2000) 1328-1331.
  • Modestov A.D., Davydov A.D. Capacitance and photocurrent study of electronic properties of anodic oxide films on Nb and Ta. Evaluation of the ionized donor concentration profile in Nb2O5 film. J. Electroanal. Chem. 460 (1999) 214-225.
  • Fishgoit L.A., Davydov A.D., Meshkov L.L. Kinetics of electrochemical formation of an oxide film on a titanium-aluminum alloy. Russian J. Electrochem. 35 (1999) 355-357.
  • Kamkin A.N., Zhou Duo-Ding, Davydov A.D. Photoelectrochemical characteristics of oxide layers on copper-nickel alloys. J. Solid State Electrochem. 3 (1999) 457-463.
  • Kamkin A.N., Davydov A.D. Photoelectrical study of semi-conductive properties of anodic oxide films on the titanium-aluminum alloys. Protection of Metals (Russia) 35 (1999) 157-161.
  • Kamkin A.N., Davydov A.D., Zhou Duo-Ding, Marichev V.A. Anodic oxide films on copper-nickel alloys. Russian J. Electrochem. 35 (1999) 531-539.